After the events of “Batman” (2022), Oz Cobb, aka The Penguin, plays a game to seize the reins of the Gotham underworld. Except for the bat signal in the last frame of the season finale, we never got to see Robert Pattinson’s cameo in The Penguin. In this short video, IMDb tries to answer: Where the hell was Batman? Colin Farrell fought hard for his version of the Penguin in “Batman” (2022), but failed. However, in his own series, the character is depicted as a casual smoker who prefers cigars. The DC Studios logo is located in a rainy Gotham alley. The umbrella falls and the logo changes to the Warner Bros. logo. In The Graham Norton Show: Lady Gaga/Demi Moore/Colin Farrell/Richard Ioadi/Jack Savoretti (2024). The first episode is a direct continuation of Matt Reeves’ series. Batman and I think that those who haven’t seen it will be a little confused. However, some time ago I watched “Batman”, and the series did a wonderful job of quickly introducing me to the place where the film ended without tying it into a didactic summary. It also captures the aesthetic and dark tones of the film well, although the series has many more moments of sly frivolity than the film. As in “Batman”, Colin Farrell perfectly copes with the role of Penguin as a stereotypical gangster. ;guy from the street:" rude, obscene, unstable and prone to violence; but still intelligent, cunning and able to read people. The character may have nothing to do with the comic book version, but is interesting in its own right. I suspect that in the series the penguin plays the role of a teenage friend; and I don’t know if the “Penguin’s” shenanigans will be enough to last the whole season. But for now, this is a great start.